Minule mi Aďka povedala dačo v zmysle: "To máš zato, keď si taká svetobežníčka, nemôžeš byť zároveň aj doma." Ale ja by som tak rada. Tak rada by som išla Alešovi na svadbu, Matúšom na oslavu narodenín, s Gazzom na pivo, s Listom na La Fiestu, s Vaškom na dáky výlet, s Peťou vypila pohárik vínka, zašla si na víkend do Bratislavy na oldiesku a porozprávala sa s maminkou o všetkom možnom i nemožnom, viedla s Matushiqom filozofickú debatu na akúkoľvek tému, zašla na Halíka a popočúvala dáke múdra, pokecala s Jančou o chlapoch, zašla na dve pifká s Romanom a Jirkom do Ťavy, zacvičila si aerobic v stredu o pol osmej ráno, zasmiala sa s Radkou nad nejakou vtipnou historkou, ktorá sa im s Milošom prihodila, zašla do redakcie a len tak tam natrafila na nejakú milú dušičku, pozrela si diel Zúfalých manželiek, dopísala aspoň jeden z tých X rozpísaných blogov na blog.sme.sk, zašla si na prechádzku po Staromáku a cítila sa super schovaná so svojími myšlienkami medzi tými všetkými turistami, tešila sa do divadla PONEC na nejaké tanečné predstavenie, určite išla do DISKu aspoň trikrát, zatrsala si v Lucerne na staré dobré oldies...alebo len tak ticho sedela a tešila sa zo života :-))
PS: Aj teraz ticho sedím a teším sa zo života :-))
Monday, May 28, 2007
Me: Well, I will be back in Prague in January 2008. And probably I will stay there for two more years to finally finish my studies.
Mum: I see. So when you come back to Prague, you will have two goals to achieve.
Me: TWO??
Mum: To finish your studies and to find a durable relationship.
Me: ????????????
Mum: I see. So when you come back to Prague, you will have two goals to achieve.
Me: TWO??
Mum: To finish your studies and to find a durable relationship.
Me: ????????????
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Sick again, I do not feel well at all ... I spent the whole day in my bed sleeping or reading a book.
Luckily, I have my music. And great house mate that gave me some pills.
Luckily, I have my music. And great house mate that gave me some pills.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Colour of eyes
This is just meaningless post :-))
I realised that since I am here, I met so many people with green eyes. Before, I met mainly people with blue or brown eyes, Vašek was exception (he has also green eyes). But here in Brussels a lot of people are looking at this city with green eyes :-))
I realised that since I am here, I met so many people with green eyes. Before, I met mainly people with blue or brown eyes, Vašek was exception (he has also green eyes). But here in Brussels a lot of people are looking at this city with green eyes :-))
Drinking Czech beer in Brussels
Once a year Czech ambassador organises big reception (some kind of garden party) in his own garden. Our office was invited. Renatka decided to go with her Czech friends and she asked me, if I want to join them. Casual clothes was required. As I was wearing jeans, she sent me home to change my clothes. I was not really sure what should I wear, but at least, I could take a shower :-))
After more then one month I was drinking Pilsen, eating utopenec, nakladany hermelin and moravske kolace - all Czech specialities. One could even had gulas and different types of klobasa. Different types of alcohol were served, such as slivovica, hruskovica and of course, Becherovka. I had two shots, more than enough :-))
I have to admit that even if I was really looking forward to this kind of events, I do not feel very comfortable there. Firstly, usually I am one of the youngest (this is quite positive :-)) and the less experienced and with the lowest number of contacts. It is always the same type of conversation - hello, where do you work (even the range of answers is quite limited: Commission, Permanent representation or Parliament), till when you are staying, how do you like it here etc. And after some time I just do not know what else should I talk about (if we do not find any common interest). Probably, I am just missing practice in this kind of superficial conversation.
On the other hand, I can apply what I learned during my classes of diplomatic protocol. Now I see that it was quite useful :-)) It is also interesting to observe people while talking to each other. According to their body language and the way they look at each other it could be in some cases deducted what they feel :-))
The whole event ended around 10 p.m. Too early to go home :-)) Group of ten, we decided to go to Cafe Belga. Later some of us went to Guru bar and the rest left home. I preferred to go home. Even if it was weird, I did not feel like dancing.
After more then one month I was drinking Pilsen, eating utopenec, nakladany hermelin and moravske kolace - all Czech specialities. One could even had gulas and different types of klobasa. Different types of alcohol were served, such as slivovica, hruskovica and of course, Becherovka. I had two shots, more than enough :-))
I have to admit that even if I was really looking forward to this kind of events, I do not feel very comfortable there. Firstly, usually I am one of the youngest (this is quite positive :-)) and the less experienced and with the lowest number of contacts. It is always the same type of conversation - hello, where do you work (even the range of answers is quite limited: Commission, Permanent representation or Parliament), till when you are staying, how do you like it here etc. And after some time I just do not know what else should I talk about (if we do not find any common interest). Probably, I am just missing practice in this kind of superficial conversation.
On the other hand, I can apply what I learned during my classes of diplomatic protocol. Now I see that it was quite useful :-)) It is also interesting to observe people while talking to each other. According to their body language and the way they look at each other it could be in some cases deducted what they feel :-))
The whole event ended around 10 p.m. Too early to go home :-)) Group of ten, we decided to go to Cafe Belga. Later some of us went to Guru bar and the rest left home. I preferred to go home. Even if it was weird, I did not feel like dancing.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Update from Peru
After quite a lot of time I talked to Junior :-)) I felt so happy about it. I managed to call him from the office, Bernardo explained me how to do it. But pssst, do not tell to anybody ;-))
- Claudia is getting married in USA, mainly because of the papers ==> therefore, Junior is not going to visit her, he prefers to go to Colombia :-))
- Miguel and Luciana split after four years
- Bruno and Felippe are still in USA, they will come back next year
- Zsolt is coming back to Peru in July to visit Rosa
- my Spanish is getting worst
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Extract of different lyrics
"Si tu no me quieres dime lo que sientes
Pero dimelo de frente" (Juanes)
"Y es por ti que late mi corazon,
y es por ti que brillan mis ojos,
y es por ti que vuelto de hablar de amor." (Juanes)
"My thoughts were so loud
that I couldn't hear my mind..." (Modest Mouse)
Pero dimelo de frente" (Juanes)
"Y es por ti que late mi corazon,
y es por ti que brillan mis ojos,
y es por ti que vuelto de hablar de amor." (Juanes)
"My thoughts were so loud
that I couldn't hear my mind..." (Modest Mouse)
What about spontaneity
I always try to control my actions, my gestures and the way I behave. In majority of cases I succeed in it. What I cannot control are my feelings and sensations. From time to time I am missing the possibility of being perfectly spontaneous and act according to what I really feel.
Sometimes I think that the lack of spontaneity is caused by the fear (or probably in my case this is the reason why I am not acting spontanously)...what would others say, if I did this in that way...how would the other person react if I did this etc. So we act as we are supposed or as we learned to act.
But what would happen, if we acted in the way we feel in that special moment? Would everything go wrong? Or would we feel even better and happier??
Sometimes I think that the lack of spontaneity is caused by the fear (or probably in my case this is the reason why I am not acting spontanously)...what would others say, if I did this in that way...how would the other person react if I did this etc. So we act as we are supposed or as we learned to act.
But what would happen, if we acted in the way we feel in that special moment? Would everything go wrong? Or would we feel even better and happier??
My wish
It happens to me quite often that I wish to be at several places at the same time. Wouldn't it be great if we could enjoy two different events at the same time?? :-)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Hiking in Ardennes
We went hiking today waw waw waw :-)) Having great time with 5 Hungarian people (Botond, Fleur, Gertruda, George and Melinda) and one German girl (Tanja) and Ivana. We went to Dinant and from there we walked around 20 km. The most of us were quite tired, but it was great - the nature, out of Brussels, nice people. Just weather could be better - it was raining, so we came back totally dirty and a bit wet. But still, it was fun :-)) Hope to go hiking soon!
Botond was so fast that we could not believe it. I can walk fast, but this was even faster hehe Probably, he is experienced hiker, because he even had a compass :-)) We had just one break for half an hour, we ate our sandwiches and then we started to walk again (in total, it took us maybe 6 hours). Now I do not feel so much tired, but probably I will feel it tomorrow, when I get up in the morning.
Going to bed :-) Good night and have a nice dreams!
Botond was so fast that we could not believe it. I can walk fast, but this was even faster hehe Probably, he is experienced hiker, because he even had a compass :-)) We had just one break for half an hour, we ate our sandwiches and then we started to walk again (in total, it took us maybe 6 hours). Now I do not feel so much tired, but probably I will feel it tomorrow, when I get up in the morning.
Going to bed :-) Good night and have a nice dreams!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
My scale of values
These last days we were talking quite a lot about the scale of values with Ivana. It is really important to realise what are most valuable things in one's life. Here in Brussels, especially in EP, there are many people earning great money. But what is it good for, if most of these relationships here are just very superficial? So many of them are pretending to be nice to the others, but as soon as the door is closed, they are gossiping about them. It is all about appearences.
I realised several things:
I realised several things:
- how important is to have family
- how important is to love somebody
- how important it is to have fulfilling job. One needs impression that what he/she is doing is really worth doing.
- how important is to have somebody to talk to and to count on
- how important is it to be healthy
Friday, May 18, 2007
Preparing "halušky" and dancing SALSA
Yesterday we (Ivana, Palo, Petra and me) were cooking halušky with bryndza - Slovak national plate. We had quite a lot of fun while preparing it, because everybody expected the others to know exactly how to prepare it. At the end, nobody was really sure about the exact quantity of each ingredient. But the result was no so bad, actually, it was edible and we were even not able to eat everything, everybody was so stuffed. I think that all of us have enough of this delicious plate for quite a long time :-))
Today Palo left home to Slovakia. He called and told me that his Mum prepared him halušky for dinner :-))
In the evening I went out with Bernardo. We went to one place where there is only SALSA and latin american music. Everybody was so great while dancing. I felt so awkward. All the time I was not able to catch the rhythm and of course, I was dancing in totally strange way. Poor Bernardo! I wonder that he survived after yesterday and I would be really surprised if he was willing to dance with me some other time. But well, on the other hand I was so happy about listening to this kind of music and to see all these great dancers. Then we met his friends and went for a glass of wine to Slovenian restaurant. It was already closed, but as these guys work there, they had keys. I had opportunity to talk just to one of them. He has bought motorcycle and wants to go around the world by it (first idea was by bike, but on his way from Brussels to Slovenia he had problems with his knee). Interesting idea.
Today Palo left home to Slovakia. He called and told me that his Mum prepared him halušky for dinner :-))
In the evening I went out with Bernardo. We went to one place where there is only SALSA and latin american music. Everybody was so great while dancing. I felt so awkward. All the time I was not able to catch the rhythm and of course, I was dancing in totally strange way. Poor Bernardo! I wonder that he survived after yesterday and I would be really surprised if he was willing to dance with me some other time. But well, on the other hand I was so happy about listening to this kind of music and to see all these great dancers. Then we met his friends and went for a glass of wine to Slovenian restaurant. It was already closed, but as these guys work there, they had keys. I had opportunity to talk just to one of them. He has bought motorcycle and wants to go around the world by it (first idea was by bike, but on his way from Brussels to Slovenia he had problems with his knee). Interesting idea.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
My addiction
I realised that I am addicted to music. I cannot live without it.
Every morning, while walking to work, I listen to music, especially MODEST MOUSE or CAKE, and it makes me feel so well. I love it :-)
Several links:
Modest Mouse
Modest Mouse
Every morning, while walking to work, I listen to music, especially MODEST MOUSE or CAKE, and it makes me feel so well. I love it :-)
Several links:
Modest Mouse
Modest Mouse
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Trip to Amsterdam
Vašek came on Friday and we decided to go for a trip to Amsterdam on Saturday. Luckily, we had quite good weather and we enjoyed the trip a lot.
- I loved walking around the canals and passing through many bridges (I read that there are more than 1000 bridges!)
- we went to the Van Gogh Museum - I
never imagined that his original paintings could be so beautiful
- smell of marihuana is everywhere in the street
- it is really LIVE city full of tourists
- the flower market is marvellous and colorfull place
- on our way back they cancelled last direct train, so instead of two hours, the journey took us four hours - Welcome to Holland :-))
Trip to Gent
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Last week
I was really busy these days, having no time to update my blog. So at least, very quickly what I was up to.
- our visitors group was here, they had GPS in bus :-)
- Renatka and Vierka invited Vašek (came on Friday morning) and me for a lunch - they wanted to thank me for taking care of visitors group
- trip to Amsterdam on Saturday
- trip to Gent on Sunday - we met Bernardo and two other Slovenian guys there (I am just attracting accidental meetings :-)
- Robert move again into our house (actually, he left for one month before I came here), we are having quite a lot of fun together
- Vašek left on Tuesday morning
- we had great talk with Ivana - I really like her, she is great person to talk to about everything and I really admire her point of view on different issues
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Trip to Osteende and Brugge
Osteende is the small city at the seaside. I loved it :-))
- as we got off the train, we immediately recognize that we are at the seaside because of fresh salty air
- we tried gaufre - it is so gooooood (I have impression that Belgium is "sweet" country, because you can buy something sweet anytime anywhere)
- we tried some other typical sweets
- we walked on the beach with shoes off
- I admit that the water is really cold :-)

- we walked around the city and enjoyed old buildings
- we tried another gaufre - this time with pineapple and strawberries
- we took a boat trip (recommended by Palo and really worth to do) - Brugge is full of canals and it is even nicer from the water
Possible change
It is strange how people can change. At least, their physical appearance. Inside change is more difficult to pursue but still possible and feasible. On Friday I met my class mate Katka from secondary school and one other girl from my year - Terka.
My class mate Katka never showed her interest in boys. While we were discussing this issue, she told us: "Hey, you should focus on different things." Well, then she was the first who got married. In addition, she never used make-up and her way of clothing was "normal" (cannot find any other expression for that). On Friday I met skinny lady with make-up (mascara, crayon, shadows, to sum it up, perfect make-up) and dyed hair. Unbelievable :-))
As far as I remember, Terka used to be really fat - I am sorry for this expression, but this is the way she was. I always thought that probably she had some health problems. I did not recognize her on Friday at the first glance. She has lost MANY kilos - she is perfect now.
Well, the IMPORTANT could not be seen with eyes. In the big majority it is invisible at the first glance. I always try to remember this.
My class mate Katka never showed her interest in boys. While we were discussing this issue, she told us: "Hey, you should focus on different things." Well, then she was the first who got married. In addition, she never used make-up and her way of clothing was "normal" (cannot find any other expression for that). On Friday I met skinny lady with make-up (mascara, crayon, shadows, to sum it up, perfect make-up) and dyed hair. Unbelievable :-))
As far as I remember, Terka used to be really fat - I am sorry for this expression, but this is the way she was. I always thought that probably she had some health problems. I did not recognize her on Friday at the first glance. She has lost MANY kilos - she is perfect now.
Well, the IMPORTANT could not be seen with eyes. In the big majority it is invisible at the first glance. I always try to remember this.
Weekend with my Mum
I washed my clothes and cleaned my room :-) My Mum came around two o'clock in the afternoon to the airport. I was so happy about seeing her. She brought me so many things to eat, a lot of different fruits, home-made cake, nuts prepared especially by my Dad for me and much more. It was so sweet. Then we went for a walk around the center - the most important was that I finally tasted Belgian chocolate - really delicious :-))
Then we went to Royal gardens that are opened just for two weeks during the whole year. There were so many people!!! And imagine, among so many people I met my class mate from secondary school :-)) She is staying here since October for the whole year.
Trip to Osteende and Brugge.
Visit of EP :-) Nothing else, because I was sick.
I washed my clothes and cleaned my room :-) My Mum came around two o'clock in the afternoon to the airport. I was so happy about seeing her. She brought me so many things to eat, a lot of different fruits, home-made cake, nuts prepared especially by my Dad for me and much more. It was so sweet. Then we went for a walk around the center - the most important was that I finally tasted Belgian chocolate - really delicious :-))
Then we went to Royal gardens that are opened just for two weeks during the whole year. There were so many people!!! And imagine, among so many people I met my class mate from secondary school :-)) She is staying here since October for the whole year.
Trip to Osteende and Brugge.
Visit of EP :-) Nothing else, because I was sick.
My first two receptions
My first reception was in EP. Slovenians were celebrating three years in EU. The program was nice, the wine was good and the cake (potica - special Slovenian cake) was delicious. I saw Bernardo (Slovenian guy born in Bolivia who lived in Argentina) occupied with his camera, so I did not have opportunity to talk to him. I expected some after party, but actually, we just talked a bit and then went home. Pity.
My second reception was connected to special vernisage of Slovak modern art in small gallery quite far from EP. I would say that this one was much better. A lot of alcohol - wine, champagne and "marhulovica" (alcohol made from apricots) - I wanted to try it, but nobody wanted to join me hehe Such a pity :-)) Probably this was demonstration of the crazy part in me :-)) Btw, paintings were quite interesting, at least, some of them.
Important people could be compared to prey that everybody would like to capture and make use from them in the future. The others are watching them and as they escape from one conversation, somebody else captures them to the next very important discussion. This is the way all contacts are made.
My second reception was connected to special vernisage of Slovak modern art in small gallery quite far from EP. I would say that this one was much better. A lot of alcohol - wine, champagne and "marhulovica" (alcohol made from apricots) - I wanted to try it, but nobody wanted to join me hehe Such a pity :-)) Probably this was demonstration of the crazy part in me :-)) Btw, paintings were quite interesting, at least, some of them.
Important people could be compared to prey that everybody would like to capture and make use from them in the future. The others are watching them and as they escape from one conversation, somebody else captures them to the next very important discussion. This is the way all contacts are made.
Beer news
I have totally forgotten to update my beer news :-)
Since last time I had at least two new brands of beer: Kwak and Hoegarden
Total: 8 different types of beer
Since last time I had at least two new brands of beer: Kwak and Hoegarden
Total: 8 different types of beer
Friday, May 4, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Today's nice moments
Finally I learned more about Advanced therapies. I had to write some paper summarizing the problem for my boss. Tomorrow he organises a press conference in Slovakia and he will distribute my paper - my work - to all journalists :-)) In addition, he told me that it is well done and that he did not count on me to do it so fast :-))
I attended my first reception here in EP. Good wine and cake.
When I came home, great pancakes were made for meeeeeee :-)) There is young couple staying in the house till Friday and they had "pancake party" and prepared some for me. Oh, it was so great :-))
I attended my first reception here in EP. Good wine and cake.
When I came home, great pancakes were made for meeeeeee :-)) There is young couple staying in the house till Friday and they had "pancake party" and prepared some for me. Oh, it was so great :-))
Very personel one - do not read
Tuve que escribir este blog. De repente les parece que estoy deprimida. Pero no es asi. Es solo que me siento muy descontenta con mi misma (en todos los aspectos). Ademas hay tantos pensamientos en mi mente que tengo que dejarlos salir de alli.
Siempre digo que esos seis meses en Peru eran lo mejor de mi vida hasta hoy dia. Esto no significa que no habian momentos tristes. Con esto quiero decir que aprendi muchisimo sobre mi misma. Cada dia aprendi como ser una persona mejor, como ayudar a otras personas, estar abierta y decir a mis personas queridas que les quiero muchisimo ... Y esto me parecio lo mas importante. Dije "te quiero" a mi papá, dije a Tino lo que senti, y siempre, pero de verdad siempre, mis amigos me dijeron lo que pensaban. Estos son stimulos tan importantes. Extrano tantas cosas.
Ahora veo lo que pasa conmigo. Y no me gusta. Queria que la gente piense que todo se pasa bien. Pero soy muy mala actriz y creo que otros lo sienten muy bien. De vez en cuando queria separarme de todos, pero de otro lado necesitaria alguien en mi lado a quien podria decir todo, una persona que me apoyaria, alguien para compartir.
Me siento muy débil, porque sé que necesito muchisimo alguien para apoyarme. De repente es normal. Pero de otra lado, no seria mas facil, si estoy totalmente independiente? Pero soy solo hombre normal :-)
Siempre digo que esos seis meses en Peru eran lo mejor de mi vida hasta hoy dia. Esto no significa que no habian momentos tristes. Con esto quiero decir que aprendi muchisimo sobre mi misma. Cada dia aprendi como ser una persona mejor, como ayudar a otras personas, estar abierta y decir a mis personas queridas que les quiero muchisimo ... Y esto me parecio lo mas importante. Dije "te quiero" a mi papá, dije a Tino lo que senti, y siempre, pero de verdad siempre, mis amigos me dijeron lo que pensaban. Estos son stimulos tan importantes. Extrano tantas cosas.
Ahora veo lo que pasa conmigo. Y no me gusta. Queria que la gente piense que todo se pasa bien. Pero soy muy mala actriz y creo que otros lo sienten muy bien. De vez en cuando queria separarme de todos, pero de otro lado necesitaria alguien en mi lado a quien podria decir todo, una persona que me apoyaria, alguien para compartir.
Me siento muy débil, porque sé que necesito muchisimo alguien para apoyarme. De repente es normal. Pero de otra lado, no seria mas facil, si estoy totalmente independiente? Pero soy solo hombre normal :-)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Feeling great sometimes
I am finishing my third week here. ...I met many nice people, had many great moments, saw many new and wonderful places, got to know how it works in politics (a bit), have a bit clearer idea about my future. And the best thing about it is that I still have two months and half to enjoy Brussels :-)
Feeling useless sometimes
I am finishing my third week here. What have I learnt???? ...order flight tickets? ...exchange toner in the printer? ...go to the post office? ...send fax? ...get paper for the printer? ...diplomatically answer thousands of emails every day? ...organise my boss' calender? order taxi? ...??
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Trip to Antwerpen
On Sunday we decided to make a trip to Antwerpen.
Attendance: Anka, Ivana, Matjaš (guy from Slovenia working in the office of Mr Peterle, MEP) and me.
First train that we were supposed to take was cancelled. Second train was half an hour late :-)) In addition, there was some other train coming before ours. We got on thinking it is ours. Then somebody said: "This is not the right one, get off quickly!!!" Matjaš managed to get off, but none of us did not. The door was already blocked. We told him good bye through the window hoping to get off on the next station :-)) Luckily, we were having fun and finally, we all met in the right train heading to Antwerpen.
Attendance: Anka, Ivana, Matjaš (guy from Slovenia working in the office of Mr Peterle, MEP) and me.
First train that we were supposed to take was cancelled. Second train was half an hour late :-)) In addition, there was some other train coming before ours. We got on thinking it is ours. Then somebody said: "This is not the right one, get off quickly!!!" Matjaš managed to get off, but none of us did not. The door was already blocked. We told him good bye through the window hoping to get off on the next station :-)) Luckily, we were having fun and finally, we all met in the right train heading to Antwerpen.
- we visited Museum of Diamonds (really nice one - plenty of information, interesting exhibition)
- we ate in one pizzeria, where all servers pretended to be Italian (but they were really far from being Italian)
- we walked around the city - great town hall with flags of all EU members, nice fountain in the middle of the main square, river reminding me of Danube, small castle and nice streets
Beer news
Two more types of beer ==> total: 6 different types of beer :-)
Unfortunately, I was not making notes what kind of beer I had already tried. I remember several glasses of Blanche, Kriek, Chimay, Fruit défendu etc.
It is weird, cause when I tried Kriek for the first time, I loved it. Then next time, we ordered some other brand of Kriek and it was so bitter, not good at all. So even if it is the same type, it still can have totally different taste.
I found out that it is possible to have also big beer (big beer is normal beer in Prague, and normal beer here is sometimes even smaller than small beer in Prague).
Unfortunately, I was not making notes what kind of beer I had already tried. I remember several glasses of Blanche, Kriek, Chimay, Fruit défendu etc.
It is weird, cause when I tried Kriek for the first time, I loved it. Then next time, we ordered some other brand of Kriek and it was so bitter, not good at all. So even if it is the same type, it still can have totally different taste.
I found out that it is possible to have also big beer (big beer is normal beer in Prague, and normal beer here is sometimes even smaller than small beer in Prague).
One morning in Brussels
On my short walk in Parc du Cinquantenaire I realised that Brussels could be really nice place to live.
- neither too big, nor to small
- with nice parks and places to go for a walk
- with quite a lot of theaters and cinemas
- cultural mix of people
- nice historical center
- great chocolate
- so many different types of beer
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