Maastricht seems to be really agreeable city. Maybe one of the oldest one in Holland? Laurie told me that they are arguing about this status with Utrecht.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Trip to Maastricht
Maastricht seems to be really agreeable city. Maybe one of the oldest one in Holland? Laurie told me that they are arguing about this status with Utrecht.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Trip to Rotterdam

From my point of view, this seems to be really modern city with many new buildings and modern bridges.

We did not have opportunity to see many coffee shops, but this was just probably due to the fact that we stayed mainly in the center.

Friday, October 19, 2007
Trip to Berlin

Secondly, the company was perfect. Cedric, his friend from univesity – Laurence, Hanna and me. I felt so comfortable with all of them, it was really unbelievable. It happens sometimes that you even do not realise why and you feel this special peace inside.
Thirdly, the city is very interesting. I had such a weird feeling while looking at and touching the rests of Berlin Wall. Finally, I learned more about its history. Even in the city there is some kind of special atmosphere, you can feel it everywhere.
But what was really surprising that there were not so many people. If I remember well, the most of big European cities are so much crowded. Actually, this is not the case of Berlin.
To sum it up, just PERFECT weekend :-))
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Wonderful automn

It was such a perfect trip!!! We went to
In the evening I went to Becketts. Guys were watching rugby hehe for me it was for the first time that I watched rugby match. Quite interesting hehe everybody touching everybody, such a contact game :-)) I decided not to drink at all, and I was so proud of me that I accomplish that. Everybody got quite drunk, but well, still nice evening.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Playing with shadows :-)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
How do I study in LLN
Being CEMS student means here to have very limited choice. Actually, I was a bit disappointed. We were obliged to choose 3 of 5 core courses, what is not really big choice comparing to the other Erasmus students who can choose from dozens of courses.
I have not decided yet about all classes. The final deadline is this Friday. So I have one more day to be sure about my choice. As I am the prototype of indecisive person, and as I never know what I want, this will be very hard :-))
So far I can see a lot of differences between this and my home university. At my university we have basically just one exam to pass and that is it. Here we have to work quite a lot during semester (mainly preparing different case studies and presentations). In addition, there is emphasize on team work. Everything we do is in teams. What can be sometimes a bit annoying see the number of courses and though, number of different groups and people we have to deal with.
On the other hand, what I really like is connection to practice. At my university we are basically learning the theory without getting in touch with real cases (except few courses). Here we are resolving all the time different case studies from real life. It means we have to learn how to deal with the real problem that occurs in the company. Interesting, isn’it? :-)