I wanted 2006 to finish so much! And when it was over, on the 1st January 2007 at 00:00 while watching wonderful fireworks over Danube river, I made a deal with myself. I will try to enjoy every single minute of the next year, and leave all negative thoughts in 2006, will try to travel and to get to know new place where I have not been before. Simply said, I will try to do everything that I missed in 2006 and skip everything that bothered me so much.
And now, at the beginning of 2008, I am happy to look back. Really HAPPY and SATISFIED. I did my best and I know that I could do even a bit better. But there is always space for continuous improvement :-)
I visited so many places (Milan, Paris, all around Belgium - Leuven, Atwerpen, Ghent, Knokke, Osteende, Bruges, Blankenberge, Brussels, Namur, Dinant, Hasselt, part of Wallonie - then Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Trier, Maastricht, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Dublin, Berlin, several times MY Strasbourg ... ). I got accepted to CEMS what I dreamed about since my first year at the university. I did my traineeship in European Parliament. I spent wonderful week at Rhodos with my Mum. I finished my Bc. degree. I passed my Erasmus semester in Louvain la Neuve (which is really specific place, probably unique :-) And what is the most important, I met many wonderful people, pieces from their souls are still living in me.
One thing that I regret a lot is that while being so much abroad I lost contact with some friends from Prague. Have not heard from them for a while... Moreover, I could not go to Santiago de Compostela during the summer and apart those four wonderful days in Tatras at the end of August, I did not spent much time in the mountains or generally, in the nature.
This year was full of experience, fun, experiences, personal and professional development, new motivation and ideas. I learned a lot from my own mistakes.
I simply LOVED it!!! And I would like to thank all of you for being part of it and making it as beautiful as it was.
I wish you that 2008 will be as good as the past year for you :) Have fun anywhere you are.
you have inspired me..
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