Few months ago I read wonderful book written by James Redfield, the title of the book was Celestine Prophecy. I just loved it. It was about coincidences and how everything is connected. Very interesting point of view. Since then, I was thinking about the topic. Do I really believe that everything is based on coincidence? And that somehow we still have the power to influence it by our way of thinking and acting?
Few days ago I put my AIESEC T-shirt on after quite a long time. Thanks to AIESEC logo on it we started discussing with my room mate one guy that both of us know. He used to be member of AIESEC as well. She told me he is leaving soon for a traineeship and later on, he would like to get the scholarship in Hamburg. Since then I could not prevent myself from thinking about the scholarship. Is there any real opportunity to leave and finish my studies abroad?? I was determined to look for it on the Internet, maybe I would be lucky and possibly find it out. It was not really necessary.
The following day I decided to buy the hair dryer. While whenever walking in the center of Prague I hardly meet someone who I know. Coincidence or not, I met this guy. He was actually leaving the same day for Germany, so I was really lucky to meet him. Of course, I asked him about the Hamburg thing and we discussed it a bit. He was no more motivated to pass his Master studies in Prague. None of us is. Then I wished him good luck and we said bye to each other. I had really mess in my head. Big mess. I was asking myself if this was the sign that I should try to get abroad again. I had crazy idea. If I meet him one more time that day, I will do that. I bought my hair dryer. And decided to buy some chocolate. And I ran across him again...
Then I was trying to organize somehow my thoughts. Was that really coincidence? Should I try to find some way of finishing my studies abroad??
Maybe I would not be so worried about spending one and half year back in Prague. So far I am slightly getting used to it, even though I am missing Brussels a lot. What I am afraid of is the lack of motivation after one year and half. I remembered myself when I came back from Strasbourg. It was more or less the same feeling. I was so determined to get back there for my university studies. But only 5 months passed and I had decided not even to apply for that. What if this happen to me again just because I am too lazy???
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