Related to this, I was thinking about what is really important in a relationship. Is is important to have the same vision of life? Common hobbies? The same religion? The same age? The similar idea of spending holidays? ... etc. I thought that probably at some point it is important to agree on some crucial issues. But which are these crucial issues?? As if by accident, I overheard the conversation of two ladies in tram.
"We even did not have anything in common and you see, here we are. Happy together."
And then my friend told me about his girlfriend who prefers relaxing holidays at the seaside, no stress, no tough backpacking, no adrenalin. On the other hand, he is kind of guy who went to Santiago de Compostela and hitch-hiked in Turkey and backpacked in Russia. Obviously, their idea of spending holidays is completely different. And still, they are happy and love each other.
And then, there are my parents with 17 years of difference. And my cousin who married guy from different religion. And many other happy couples who do not have exactly the same idea of everything.
Then which are these crucial issues that the couple should agree on?? Is it actually something rational? Or purely irrational? Should we feel it? Or should we prepare some kind of excel table and fill it with "yes" or "no"??
and what about you, Hviezdicka? do you have a boyfriend? or your crucial issues are still over your head? Have a nice day :*
you know it gets boring to have the same opinion in everything. No discussions. just perpetual consent? arguing is good sometimes to expand your point of view, with friends, collegues, and in relationships.
Thanks a lot for both comments.
To first comment:
These crucial issues are not over my head, it's just that it came to my mind and I was not able to find answer to all my questions. That is why I was curious what the others think about it :-)) Well, I would be happy if you share your opinion with me :-))
To second comment:
I agree that it is boring to agree on everything. Discussions are really precious in relationship. However, at some point it is better to have the common interests, isn't it?
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