Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My first days in Belgium

Yesterday my boss told me to leave earlier, because I seemed to be very pale and tired after the whole night journey. I left at seven o'clock...

There are pros and cons of everything :-)

  1. late work hours (from nine in the morning till seven or eight in the evening)
  2. till now I met just one stagiaire, he seems really nice, but is leaving next week
  3. I arrived two days ago and I still have not tried any of 500 types of beer that exist in Belgium
  4. I have not seen anything from the city apart my way to work
  5. I have to sit in the office even if I have no real work
  6. I am terribly tired because of the lack of sleep during last week
  7. I have not write a single page of my bachelor thesis
  8. there are just two of us in the house
  1. I love to walk to work every morning - the best part of my way is the park that I have to cross just before I reach EP - there is really nice lake and it makes me feeling well to see a little bit of nature :-)
  2. I practice English and French and Slovak :-) every day (unfortunately, no Spanish)
  3. I have really nice room
  4. I love those trees with pink flowers (there are plenty of them on my way to EP) - these pink flowers are everywhere on the sidewalks and it reminds me of romantic summer scene from a movie :-)
  5. tomorrow I am going for lunch with Martin (stagiaire that is leaving next week) and he will present me two other stagiaires
  6. there are just two of us in the house, so one shower is enough (it is not the case of the other Slovenian house where there are 16 people for one shower)
  7. weekend is approaching, I hope to walk a bit around the city
  8. maybe I will meet Adam (former editor of my student newspaper) during the weekend (he will be on business trip in Brussels)
  9. I am in Brussels - I will make one more city MY city :-)
  10. Vasek, my parents, Ales, probably Jirka and Roman, Petula, maybe Martin and Adka - they all will come to see me juch juch juch (if anybody else would like to come to see me, just let me know, everybody is welcome :-)

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