Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho

Každý bojovník světla už se někdy bál jít do boje.

Každý bojovník světla už v minulosti zradil a lhal.

Každý bojovník světla už kráčel cestou, jež nebyla jeho.

Každý bojovník světla už trpěl kvuli malichernostem.

Každý bojovník světla už si myslel, že není bojovníkem světla. 

Každý bojovník světla už pochybil v duchovních povinnostech.

Každý bojovník světla už řekl ano, když chtěl říci ne. 

Každý bojovník světla už zranil někoho, koho miluje. 

Proto je bojovník světla; protože tím vším prošel a neztratil naději, že se polepší. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What I have learned so far :)

... that optimistic and positive thinking people leave much longer than pessimists.

... that extroverts are more prone to the divorce than introverts.

...that children's attitude to money (if they are more generous or more stingy) is formed during the first three years of baby's life.

...that sometimes, instead of making a compromise (none of the parties is happy with the solution), it is much better for both parties to find the third alternative, acceptable for all. 

...that stress can be managed by efficient relaxation and that it really works!

...that people that have long term goals are usually more successful than people with no plans.

...that it is important to clear your expectations in a relationship. 

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is it for the best to try everything?

During one of my classes our teacher asked us kind of interesting question: "Do you think that it is for the best to try everything?" As he explained, most of the young people think that they should use their youth to try "all the stuff", whatever that means. 

As he explained later, everything we do, will leave a trace on us - it can be deeper or lighter, but it is impossible to predict what trace it will be. If we take such an extreme example as drugs, there is always huge risk that one will become dependent on this shit. Therefore, it is highly important to choose all the stimuli and things that could somehow influence us. If there is the possibility of choice.  

He especially referred to all the opportunities for young people. Compared to the period twenty years ago, we can go and do whatever we want, there are no limits. And sometimes we have impression that we have to be everywhere, study abroad, visit Asia, Africa and Latin America, backpack in all the different parts of the world etc. To be honest this explanation really appealed to me, since I recognized myself in this statement. 

However, it is important to make choices - to carefully choose what we will do and where we will go. It may seem very easy and obvious, but it definitely was not for me. I felt bad about passing some opportunities and challenges. In order to make good choice it is important to know ourselves very well. If we know, where we are heading and what we want to accomplish, it is much easier to choose the right way and to filter all incoming messages.


It's been a while, I know, sorry for that. But I guess either I was not in a mood for writing, or there was nothing that interesting to be shared with you, or I just simply took a break from writing. 

I have come back to the old continent and now, I am in Prague again. Two semesters ahead of me, first one has started quite successfully. I actually really enjoy my studies this semesters. All my courses are so interesting that I never skip any seminar nor lecture. It does not bother me to be at school from 9:15am till 6pm and I am glad to be back the next day again. I am unbelievably happy with my choice of minor specialization. I have learned so many interesting things, concepts and ideas, I will definitely share some of those with you in next posts. 

Wish you wonderful week!!! <3