Monday, February 18, 2008

I am back in Prague

Yesterday I get on the plane and when I woke up, I was already in Prague. Everything was the same, and somewhere inside I was asking, if I am the same as well. Probably from outside there is no major change. And from inside? I am richer because of people that I have met on my way and because of things I have lived. That's it.

My new room mate seems to be really nice, hopefully, we will get on well. Moreover, I got my Bc. diploma today, it is nice piece of paper :-)) Looking forward to have the real one with Ing. written on it :-))

I decided to write just very shortly. Otherwise, I would be writing about very weird feelings that I have now, how strange it is to be back again and having the impression of not knowing anybody. But it is not really important. What really matters is that I have to make my life here again and depends on me, on the way I arrange it, how it will be. So I selfishly keep my fingers crossed for me :-))

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The first snowdrop in 2008

As I love flowers, it is really easy to imagine my joy while finding this beautiful snowdrop in the garden of the wonderful mansion in Ichtegem in Flandres Occidentales.

Countryside in Flanders

Instead of going to Boulex, the Brussels' most famous party taking place the first Saturday of each month, I was discovering Flemish countryside. Jean-Charles, ex-kotmate of Ashika, invited me for a house party in Ichtegem. As I did not have any expectations, the final result was very nice.
I was impressed by the house. It reminds me of real aristocratic mansion.

It has plenty of rooms...

...wonderful garden... courts, green house, lake (during each party taking place in the house somebody is thrown to it - this time it was Pierre, boyfriend of the girl in possession of this house) ...

...small house for guard and nice park around the place.

And just 15 minutes far from the sea!!!
Unfortunately, nobody is living there anymore. So the overall result is quite miserable. But still, wonderful place to be.

(Almeric and Jean-Charles having "breakfast" at 2pm :-))

Friday, February 1, 2008

Two weeks before my departure

Yesterday I met Miška and Majka, two CEMS girls from my university who have semester in LLN ahead. Oh, I envy them so much. Would love to spend one more semester here. My departure is getting closer and closer, two weeks left...

Afterwards I went for a drink with Jerome, my salsa partner. He is really nice. I regret not to have opportunity to get to know him better. Yesterday and even during our salsa classes we had always so much fun together. Looking forward to see him again. He proposed Monday, but I am not really sure, if it will be possible for me. I feel a bit like in a golden cage. I enjoy being in th house with Doris's family a lot, but it is always so complicated to get around. And I do not want to bother them too much...