Monday, February 18, 2008

I am back in Prague

Yesterday I get on the plane and when I woke up, I was already in Prague. Everything was the same, and somewhere inside I was asking, if I am the same as well. Probably from outside there is no major change. And from inside? I am richer because of people that I have met on my way and because of things I have lived. That's it.

My new room mate seems to be really nice, hopefully, we will get on well. Moreover, I got my Bc. diploma today, it is nice piece of paper :-)) Looking forward to have the real one with Ing. written on it :-))

I decided to write just very shortly. Otherwise, I would be writing about very weird feelings that I have now, how strange it is to be back again and having the impression of not knowing anybody. But it is not really important. What really matters is that I have to make my life here again and depends on me, on the way I arrange it, how it will be. So I selfishly keep my fingers crossed for me :-))

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