Monday, March 3, 2008

Relaxed state of mind

I used to be so much hyperactive, always in a hurry, with no free time left for myself. I realized that I have slightly changed, or at least, I am trying to be more relaxed. I would say that I am in a bit different state of mind at the moment. We will see, for how much time I will be able to keep this approach heh

Actually, last two weekends were so much relaxing. The first one at home, the second one here in Prague. I was being spoiled by my Mum, it was just wonderful to be in Bratislava for a while. This weekend, on the contrary, I stayed alone in a dorm, my dorm mates left on Friday evening. I spent the whole Saturday reading a book and later on, finishing one motivation letter. I was wondering, how it is possible that it still takes me so much time to write one. I have already written dozens of them heh In the evening I met Lucka, she is Slovak and from CEMS as well. Really nice girl, she invited me to spend a weekend with bunch of Slovak people. I am really looking forward to that!!!

On Sunday I met Andrej, the son of the eurodeputee I used to work for. He is studying in Prague as well and we met in EP when he was there for internship. I really like his company, I always learn something from him. Moreover, he is nice and open, just perfect person for interesting and relaxing chat. We went to see exhibition about Albrecht from Valdstejn, quite good one. And then for pizza, yamiiiiiiiiii :-))

The week ahead will be probably a bit busy, but I like being busy. In a relaxed way :-))

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