Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy in Prague :-)

Unbelievable... Yesterday, after the whole week of running around I realized that I am happy again, that I enjoy my being back and that actually, there are so many good things happening now. There is a lot of work ahead and April will be probably one of the toughest months of the whole studies so far. But it is really good. I realized that I enjoy my studies MUCH MUCH more than before. I like going to all classes and lectures and I really attend the university regularly. Comparing to my Bachelor studies, this is totally new feeling for me :-))

Moreover, I have met so many nice people since I came back. I really hope that we will get to know each other better and have a good time all together.

And I like my ballet classes and ceramics course :-)

Oh, I like being back here!!!

1 comment:

Pavlina said...

Congratulations!!! All that sounds geat.
I am on the way there.
Talk to you soon:)