Saturday, December 22, 2007

Resumé of my Erasmus semester in LLN

At some point, my Erasmus experience is already over. Well, even though I am coming back in January, the most of the people I used to hang around with will not be there anymore. Again, time to say good bye. Saying good bye always makes me thinking about the whole adventure, about nice and sad moments, actually, about the enrichment that I have taken out of that.
(from this kind of bricks is built the whole city of LLN)

The value of this experience is really huge, as from the personal and professional point of view as well.

(one of our lecture hall, it was always sooooooo warm inside heh)

Concerning personal development, I got quite a lot of feedback on my personality, I realised how the others percieve me. Not always there are sincere and honest people around. This time, I was lucky, I met people able to say directly what they think. What I learned for the future? I should me MUCH MORE self confident. Never underestimating myself nor the other people. I should not be afraid of being wrong. I should not compare myself to the others. Of course, there are so many people that are so much better in so many issues, but I should be aware of my own qualities and skills. Never leave people treating me badly. And act according to what I feel, not according to what the others say.

(Laurie - Quebec, Hanna - Finland, me, Janka - Czech/Slovak Republic)

Concerning my professional development, I was so happy about having the opportunity to attend all these six courses. I realized that the system is so much different from what I was used to in Prague. No real learning by heart. But UNDERSTANDING is the most important. Critical thinking is the basis of the most of my courses. This makes my grey cells moving in different direction that they were used to. Moreover, the most of these courses had practical aspect. People that worked in the business were giving us lectures, their valuable knowledge and point of view was formed by their own experience. We had to work on many case studies from the praxis, on projects related to the companies, which was never the case in Prague. There we got just the theoretical basis and the practical point of view was missing. No interaction in Prague, nobody is asking questions. Here, most of the western students are curious, thinking about the topic during the lecture and giving their own point of view. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT AS WELL!!! It is possible to learn that. I just hope that my grey cells will not get to lazy again once back in Prague...

(Charlotte - New Zeland, me, Catherine - Norway, Hanna - Finland)

Concerning people here, I met quite a lot of different and interesting personalities. I really regret that we, as CEMS students, were not able to form one better group, that we had to split in two parts, basically not interested in each other at all. And even not willing to say goodbye to each other. Unbelievable...

(Sebastian from Uruguay)

(Karolina - Poland, Catherine - Norway, Ashika - Netherlands)

(Karolina - Poland, me, Ashika - Netherlands)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Magic day in LLN

If I had to find some adjective for yesterday, it would be definitely MAGIC.

It was a magic day from the very morning till the very late evening hours. There was no sun. But it was the day, when one can enjoy winter and does not really care about the cold or lack of blue sky. From early morning hours special kind of mist that makes you feel good was spreading around. It was not snowing, however, everything was white with frost and I felt as if I were part of magic country.We went for a while to the forest and it was so beautiful there, so mystic.

In the evening, when I was coming back from Leuven, the small pieces of frost were flying in the wind. They were sparkling as if they were little stars falling from heaven. I liked it. I enjoyed the silence in the streets. I admired the white sidewalk and was happy when I did the first step in this beauty. Just wonderful.

Before, I went to Brussels to give my suitcase to Arpad. As I was supposed to meet Matus later in Leuven, I had still two hours left. I stayed in Brussels admiring again and again Grand Place with all those lights and wonderful music. I went to Place St Catherine where I walked around one of the most beautiful Christmas markets ever. I enjoyed the moment. Again and again.

In Leuven we met with Matus. I am always so happy about blog meetings, even if it was just some kind of mini blog meeting. Youpiii and I got some chocolates. They were supposed to accopany me to the plane, but as the plane is delayed, probably I will eat the most of it even before boarding :-)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

St. Nicolas

Youpiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))

St. Nicolas came, he found me even if I am in Belgium :-)) I have so much chocolate now. Even though I decided to avoid buying and consuming it after this weekend, I will have to take care of that somehow. Ehm :-))

I bought chocolates for my colocs and I put there a small paper saying that it is "petit cadeau de St. Nicolas". They seemed to be really happy. As I saw that it made them happy, I was happy as well and I went to the shop and bought more chocolate for other friends as well hehe Actually, it is very egoistic approach. Making others happy just in order to make myself happy :-)))))

Oh, but I like this tradition. A lot.