Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Perfect Tuesday (5th June)

In the morning I picked up my group from the airport. They seemed to be really nice. We went together to the hotel and I left them there. I was suppose to go for lunch debate with my boss. It was really interesting, even if the topic did not seem so. We had such a delicious food!!!!! Apart dropping my knife, everything was perfect and I tried to behave as a real lady :-))

After that I did some work in the office and left in the afternoon to meet my group again to meet with Ján Fígeľ, the Slovak commissaire in European Commission. It was nice meeting, my group was quite happy about it. In addition, he showed us his office and some other offices of people working for him. Interesting.

Then my boss decided to invite the whole group to his place for a glass of wine (the most of them are his friends for many years). I was not really very enthousiastic about joining them, but well, I saw at least the appartement of my boss. In the evening I met with one new stagiare. He was quite depressed, but I tried to give him some hope that beginnings are not easy and after few weeks everything will be better :-))

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